South African rental company owners, Theo Papenfus from Stage Effects and Marius van Rooyen from Unlimited Events, have teamed up to purchase 400 Absen D2V 2.9mm panels from DWR Distribution.
One of the D2V’s greatest selling points, besides offering a high-resolution image, is its ability to provide a concave or convex curved screen option as well as maximum output at a maximum refresh rate. Both Unlimited Events and Stage Effects have notably increased their presence in indoor corporate events.
“Our market is here and it was time,” said Papenfus. “Marius and I decided on a joint venture to bring in many panels of the same batch bearing in mind that quantity is always a big issue for us.”
“We wanted to go through a reputable company, and chose Absen to enable us to have the service DWR typically provides,” said van Rooyen. “It’s a much better option for us as to know we have support locally. In addition, we are able to tap into the base of existing Absen users in South Africa.”
Duncan Riley, of DWR, added: “The DWR workshop is able to do repairs on the 2.9mm. Bruce Riley is really good at balancing LED screens.
“It was the right timing and the right product at the right price,” said Schalk Botha, Absen sales representative at DWR. He concluded: “The market is going towards high res, cost effective and affordable solutions. The Absen 2.9mm is perfectly priced for the perfect solution.”