Creative Technology invests in Robe

Photo: Louise Stickland

Creative Technology has been steadily investing in new Robe moving light fixtures over the last three years, including the recent purchases of 24 FORTES, 80 LEDBeam 350s and four RoboSpot BaseStations with Motion Cameras.

The latest purchases have happened since CTME’s head of lighting, Sam Connolly, started with CT three years ago, and were driven by him coupled with the company’s previous experience with Robe moving lights, including BMFLs.

When Connolly came onboard, CT’s BMFLs were regularly out on projects, and whilst “a great light for this market with energy efficiency in mind, it was the time to look at some new and more sustainable technology,” he explained.

The FORTES were purchased soon after he arrived, specifically to keep sustainable technology and to follow the success of the BMFL. Creative Technology also invested in the Robe RoboSpot Follow Spot systems to work in line with the FORTE.

When Connolly joined, he had already had previous experience in Robe’s LEDBeam 150, and knew how popular it had been in the market. When the LEDBeam 350 was launched it fitted perfectly the need for a compact bright LED Wash/Beam fixture.

As with all the Robe elements, they were delivered by the Robe Middle East subsidiary, which is managed and run by Elie Battah, who commented, “It is very important to us for a company of CT’s calibre to commit to our products and technology, and I am very pleasedthat this relationship is advancing, and enjoy seeing the kit on a wide range of excellent projects.”

When Connolly started looking at the FORTE, he needed a good, solid LED profile fixture with a feature set. He believes that Robe’s TE technology increases the value and longevity of the hardware. Several CT crews have received RoboSpot training from Robe, “Everyone is always happy to work with Robe and the FORTES,” Connolly stated.

2024’s shows have included being the lighting supplier for Hans Zimmer with John Featherstone doing the lighting design at the CocaCola Arena which featured a large Robe moving light rig and RoboSpots.

He is now looking at iFORTE and iFORTE LTX (the IP rated version of the FORTE) as so much work in the Middle East is outdoors, and also more LEDBeam 350s. Connolly feels that since 2014 the BMFL range was launched, he feels that the products “definitely helped put Robe on the map in the world of moving lights.”

Around 150 people currently work out of CT, with 12 in the lighting department plus freelancers when needed. The company supplies full production and they are involved in an average of six significantly large projects per month plus a host of medium and smaller sized events.

CTME just won two prestigious awards at the 2024 Middle East Event Awards staged at Dubai’s Madinat Marina, one for Best Video Solution and one for Best Light & Sound Solution.